lørdag 1. mai 2010

My diary of the future

I want to make a diary about my life.
I'm 16 and after summer I'm attending to a private boarding school. A lot of young people like myself, are very insicure about what they are going to do with their life. I may have wasted a lot of lessons at school, and missed a lot of the learning prosess, but I want to prove to myself that I can do it - that I can counquer the world too - that I'm not some hopeless student without a goal and meaning with life.
Well.. thats how I want to see the future. Now I'm just a helpless child, who doesn't do enough to make the dreams come true. Dreams can't just come to you - you have to work for it. I know that, but it seems so faraway.

I'm not talking about beeing the next Miley C. or something, but to live the futere I want to. The future I dream of. Ofcourse I need to decide what I want to do first..but for now, I just go with the flow, and we'll see what happens.

I'm sure it will be a pretty boring diary though. My english isn't the best I warn you!
But hey, the one dream I'll deffently stribe to make true is my love for Japan. I will learn the language, and I will study there, so wish me the best!

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